• Scholastic Book Clubs - for all your reading needs, purchase books for kids to read at home
    Classdojo   - app to communicate with teachers
    Check out the resources below that can be used at home to flex your math muscles. These sites offer information on math and/or other topics. Some of the sites are game based, some show videos, and some of them offer information on how parents can better support their student at home when helping with math. Pick the one that interests you and best meets your needs. HAPPY LEARNING!
    Math is Figure-Out-Able - Math Podcast
    ST Math Resources for Parents - Various articles and resources to help parents
    Khan Academy  - videos and practice problems 
    Math Blaster                                                       
    The following websites are used in class but can be accessed from home. A username and password is required. 
Last Modified on November 6, 2023